Wetlands Lake IJsselmeer

Marker Wadden

Marker Wadden have been constructed as a bird paradise. We are involved in bird research and evaluations of ongoing studies. Since 2017, we have been investigating bird colonization and breeding success of indicator species like Kentish plover, common tern, little tern and pied avocet. In addition, we study habitat use, food choice and we colour ring  various bird species to determine the movements. We assist Natuurmonumenten with the coordination of breeding birds and waterbird census. We work on behalf of KIMA, Natuurmonumenten and Sovon and many volunteers are involved in it.

Breeding ecology of pied avocet, common tern and little tern

Every year we publish an overview of numbers, breeding success, food and habitat choice of pied avocet, little tern and common tern. Marker Wadden are colonised by these species of which national and international important numbers are present. This shows the importance of pioneer and their success. The reproduction of pied avocets was initially high but we see it gradually decline.

download: Annual report common tern and pied avocet 2018

download: Annual report, little tern, common tern and pied avocet 2019

download: Annual report common tern, little tern 2020

download: Annual report pied avocet 2020

Annual report of wintering birds, migrants and breeding birds

At Marker Wadden, all waterbirds are monthly counted and the breeding bird population is mapped. Staging migrant songbirds are counted such as the massive numbers of sand martins in late summer. The counts are carried out by volunteers. We report annually on the results of the birds in the bird paradise.

download: Breeding and wintering birds at Marker Wadden 2017-2019

download: Breeding and wintering birds at Marker Wadden 2019-2020

download : Breeding and wintering birds at Marker Wadden 2020-2021

download: Breeding and wintering birds at Marker Wadden 2021-2022

download : Breeding and wintering birds at Marker Wadden 2022-2023


Aerial surveys on foraging distribution of common terns on open water

In July 2020, the distribution of common terns was mapped from an airplane along transects by counting common terns foraging on the open water of Lake IJsselmeer and Markermeer. At the same time, WMR  measured the availability of prey fish at common tern feeding sites. Together with the research in the colonies on breeding success, chick growth and prey choice, we learn more about what is important for a sustainable population of common terns.

download: Aerial surveys on the distribution of common terns during the breeding season of 2020 on the open water of Lake IJsselmeer and Markermeer

download: Availability of fish for common terns around Marker Wadden in July 2020 - report WMR including results of the aerial surveys on the foraging distribution of common terns 

Evaluation of nature research Marker Wadden

The created nature islands of Marker Wadden bring new life to the Markermeer. This is evident from the first research results. We interviewed researchers from Deltares, Rijkswaterstaat, Sportvisserij Nederland, Witteveen + Bos, NIOO, Wageningen Marine Research, and Natuurmonumenten. The early results show that the area is significant for nationally threatened pioneer biotopes. And there are indications that the archipelago influences the water and primary production in the surroundings.

download: Ecological research Marker Wadden_2017-2019. Report phase 1

Lowland Ecology Network

The Lowland Ecology Network is a network of freelancers who focus on ecological research, advice and communication. The emphasis is on nature protection of wetlands at home and abroad. Each participant has specific expertise and as a network we can respond fast and quickly solve complex issues. We are wel connected with experts on subjects  such as photography / film, design and nature legislation.

Network members

Jan van der Winden

Jan van der Winden Ecology, Research & consultancy

Jan van der Winden

Camilla Dreef

Camilla Dreef

Camilla Dreef

Peter van Horssen


Peter van Horssen

Martin Poot

Martin Poot Ecology

Martin Poot

Celine Roodhart

Roodhart Veldwerk

Celine Roodhart

Debby Doodeman

Debby Doodeman

Yvonne Verkuil

Yvonne Verkuil

Folkert de Boer

Folkert de Boer