
Conservation study on Malagasy Pond Heron

France has a biodiversity conservation programme (Life BIOV’OM) for five overseas regions. This should protect endangered species and their habitats. The Malagasy pond heron breeds with 130 pairs in mangrove forests at the tropical island Mayotte north of Madagascar. We know very little about their feeding habitats at the island nor about their movements after breeding. This hampers conservation actions. So, GEPOMAY invited Jan van der Winden and three French specialists to trap six herons in two colonies and equip them with transmitters. Currently these birds already provide fantastic data on their local movements and feeding habitats. A kick-start of this wonderful project.

Conservation study on Malagasy Pond Heron

Network members

Jan van der Winden

Other stakeholders

LPO (Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux)

Lowland Ecology Network

The Lowland Ecology Network is a network of freelancers who focus on ecological research, advice and communication. The emphasis is on nature protection of wetlands at home and abroad. Each participant has specific expertise and as a network we can respond fast and quickly solve complex issues. We are wel connected with experts on subjects  such as photography / film, design and nature legislation.

Network members

Jan van der Winden

Jan van der Winden Ecology, Research & consultancy

Jan van der Winden

Camilla Dreef

Camilla Dreef

Camilla Dreef

Peter van Horssen


Peter van Horssen

Martin Poot

Martin Poot Ecology

Martin Poot

Celine Roodhart

Roodhart Veldwerk

Celine Roodhart

Debby Doodeman

Debby Doodeman

Yvonne Verkuil

Yvonne Verkuil

Folkert de Boer

Folkert de Boer